A10.3 Professional Development


Effective Date: June, 22 2012
Last Reviewed: June, 22 2012

The College will provide resources for faculty development in the areas of teaching and learning, scholarship and publishing opportunities. In all cases, grant recipients must submit a final report of grant activities and expenditures to the appropriate office.

  1. Faculty Development Funds
    • Each full-time faculty member is provided an annual professional development fund to support professional travel, professional memberships, and/or to purchase lab equipment, books and research materials. Faculty must follow the rules and guidelines set out in Policy F1.8, Travel and Expense Policy.
  2. Faculty Grants
    • Professional Development Grants: Full-time faculty with continuing employment at the College are eligible to apply for a Professional Development Grant to support either research, writing and artistic production or participation in a seminar or institute. These grants are competitive in nature. The application process is available in the Faculty Handbook and in the Office of Academic Affairs.
    • Publishing Support Grants: Publishing support grants are available to help subsidize the cost of publication for scholarly works (e.g., page charges, indexing, editing). Application is made to the Dean of the Faculty; there is no specific deadline. • Instructional Development Grants: The Center for Teaching and Learning provides grants to support faculty efforts in classroom and curricular innovation, professional development focused on teaching, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
    • Stonehill Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE): The Stonehill Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Program provides grants to faculty and students who collaborate on significant, publishable full-time research.
  3. Leaves and Awards
    • Sabbatical: Sabbatical leave is granted for the express purpose of providing an opportunity for faculty members to enhance their professional development through projects of research, written scholarship, or similar creative endeavors. The project must enhance the individual's ability as an educator in the classroom and/or promote scholarship in one's academic discipline. Sabbatical leaves can be awarded for one year at half-salary, or one semester at full salary. Eligibility 2 and application format is available in the Faculty Handbook and in the Office of Academic Affairs.
    • Conboy Award for Faculty Development: The Conboy Award provides a course release in one semester to advance the research of an Assistant or Associate Professor; two offered per year; competitive; priority given to faculty who have not benefited from a course load reduction in the previous 2 years. Criteria and procedure for application are available in the Faculty Handbook and in the Office of Academic Affairs.
    • Teaching and Learning Strategies Seminar: This seminar which is facilitated by the Center for Teaching and Learning takes place one semester each year. Faculty apply for one of several openings and will be given release time from one course to spend the semester working with colleagues and experts from within and outside the College on specific issues related to teaching and learning. Criteria and procedure for application are available in the Center for Teaching and Learning.
    • Special Leave of Absence: If opportunities such as funded fellowships or research grants become available, faculty are encouraged to consider them. An authorized Leave of Absence (for purposes other than those covered under Policy E3.28, Family and Medical Leave Act ) without pay is not considered a Sabbatical Leave. The College grants such leaves only under special circumstances and only if the leave does not seriously impair the teaching mission of the College. The application for a Leave of Absence must be presented to the Vice President for Academic Affairs who, after consultation with the appropriate Department Chairperson, forwards a recommendation to the President for final action. The application must normally be submitted 12 months in advance, but this schedule is flexible. An authorized Leave of Absence for one academic year or less ordinarily is not considered to be an interruption of service to the College, in consideration of tenure, promotion, retirement, or salary increments.