A15.5 Incomplete Course Work

Effective Date: June, 22 2012
Last Reviewed: June, 22 2012

A faculty member can submit the grade of “I’’ or Incomplete. This grade will be given to the student only when the failure to complete the work of the course is due to a serious reason as approved by the faculty member.

When a student receives an Incomplete grade, he/she is granted a period of 30 days, beginning from the last day of final exams, to complete the course work. Failure to complete the course work during this period results in a grade of “IF” or Incomplete/Failure. Once all course work has been submitted to the faculty member, a final grade must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office by following the Grade Change process within 14 days.

For serious reasons, a faculty member may grant the student an extension beyond the 30- day requirement by notifying the Registrar’s Office. However, an extension must not be granted beyond the semester following the one in which the Incomplete grade was given.

Students who are issued an Incomplete in their final semester will not be eligible to graduate until the final grade is submitted and may not receive their degree until the next official College graduation date.