A4.4 Student Classification and Class Year Assignment

Effective Date: May, 20 2014
Last Reviewed: November 3, 2023

* name of title changed and was amended on June 7, 2023, typographical error corrected on November 3, 2023

The Vice President for Academic Affairs has charge of the classification, academic standing, and progress of students.

Students are typically classified with the sophomore class when they have completed 30 credits, with the junior class when they have completed 60 credits, and with the senior class when they have completed 90 credits.

Class year is assigned for first-time, first-year students based on the academic year the student enters the College.

Depending on the specific courses being transferred in, first-time transfer students will be assigned their graduation class year based on the following credit ranges:

First-year class: transferring in 0-24.9 credits

Sophomore class: transferring in 25-55.9 credits

Junior class: transferring in 56-62 credits