F11.6 Emergency Management Plan*

Effective Date: June 20, 2023
Last Reviewed: June 20, 2023

Purpose and Scope:

The Emergency Management Plan provides policies/procedures for the coordination of College personnel, outside agencies and the media/public, in the event of a crisis. This plan not only addresses media relations and emergency notification procedures, but also includes incident response levels to identify potentially harmful situations and the methods for responding to these situations quickly and effectively. The Emergency Management Plan seeks to establish guidelines for dealing with situations as well as to ensure that campus officials are familiar with proper procedures and their roles in the event of a crisis.


It is the policy of the College in any potentially harmful situation to determine if the Emergency Management Plan response is warranted. If such a response is deemed necessary, the Emergency Management Response Team will be assembled and will recommend immediate actions that need to be implemented.

An emergency incident is a situation or condition which significantly disrupts or potentially disrupts the educational mission, residential or student life, and/or administrative function of a significant portion of the Stonehill College community. The Emergency Management Plan will be reviewed annually with the Emergency Response Group and annual tabletop exercises will be developed to test the plan’s effectiveness. The Emergency Management Plan guidelines may be updated as required by either internal assessment of external requirements.

*Changed title from Crisis Committee to Emergency Response Group